Wednesday 17 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

I've recently come back from tour with the St Petersburg ballet and orchestra playing the principal harp in Swan Lake Ballet. Our first two performances were in Cardiff's Millenium centre and the other was in Nottingham's Royal Concert Hall.
I couldn't understand most of the orchestra, as everyone spoke Russian and Hungarian, except 4 or 5 people spoke English. However, they were really friendly and really nice to work with! I really enjoyed the tour, and it was a really good experience!

It's really nice to be back in Wales for Christmas with my family.....except Giles, who isn't home until Sunday.

I had a really lovely time last weekend! I went with a really good friend to the Creative Cafe in Narbeth. I attempted to paint a mug, but I think everyone thought I was crazy when they saw that my sheep was green and the background was purple!! Oh well....only my friend and I understood the meaning of that one. Atleast they recognised that it was a sheep! :-)

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

Saturday 1 November 2008

Spot the difference!

Try and spot the difference between these two photos! Lol....only kidding, they're exactly the same, but someone is very silly and put it up twice....silly Verity!
I nicely put my bow in my face....its a pity that the bow isn't bigger and didn't cover the whole of my face, but oh well.....I'll have to invent something! Don't ask I'm in a really weird usual!!
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Thank you for coming to our recital!

Thank you to all who came to our recital on thursday in St Alfeges church! It was lovely to see so many there, and to see so many people that we know, and who regularly attend our concerts. Hope you all had a nice halloween yesterday! Had a lovely surprise last saturday, as my parents came up to spend half term with us, but they brought with them Gran and Pooch, which they didn't tell that was really nice! Pooch is enjoying the big city, he was really scared at first as its so different....but now hes really confident and barking at everyone,....oh and trying to pinch food from everyone.... so embarrassing!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Well its October already, .....pinch punch first of the month!lol
Had a busy few weeks in college, but really exciting. Chosen Improvisation and Conducting for my electives this year, and really enjoying those lessons as well as my violin and harp lessons.
Apparently it was going to stay hot until November....because of the awful weather in the summer....really can't see that happening though1 Its so windy here that my brolly keeps breaking!!! Wasps seem to be enjoying it though....they've decided to build a nest on our roof....grt I hate wasps!!!
Last Saturday i gave a Violin Recital at Waltham Abbey Church, it was really well attended, and the audience were really thankyou to all that came, I really enjoyed playing there for you! Oh ....and if you have any views about the Sicilienne being still and mournful or reflective please let me I am still in debate with my pianist over it! And of course I would like to win that debate!lol.
Well lets keep hoping that the weather will improve!
Till next time :-)

Tuesday 2 September 2008


I'm very inspired after two amazing proms! Lang lang and Nikolaij Znaider. Such Passionate and exciting performances. I really hope that Znaider does a recital in the Proms next year! I went to hear Znaider performing Sibelius Violin Concerto in the Barbican with the LSO before the summer, that was phenomenal!

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Concerts and slug info, lol!

This week, I've been on holiday in Wales, which was a relief from the hours of painting we did in Greenwich! However the weather has been terrible here, we even had a power cut!lol.
Back to London tomorrow, and apparently the weather is much nicer there, which is good to hear, I can give the fake tan a miss!lol only joking!
If you're in Greenwich on the 30th October, I'm giving a violin recital in St Alfeges Church, which is free of charge, at 1pm. It would be nice to see you there!
Had my hair cut today, my mum keeps putting my hair in the plants, very embarassing!...apparently slugs don't like it. There you go.. a bit of useless information for the day...!

Thursday 7 August 2008

Fishguard Festival

On the 31st August, Giles and I performed in the Fishguard International Music Festival. We were delighted to have such a big audience, so thankyou very much to all who came!!!
We really enjoyed performing there, and we are hoping to be invited back next year too!

Sunday 20 July 2008

Giles and I are playing in recital with Michael Bochmann and David Watkins on the 11th November in Chelsea. Please look on the Concertina website: , it is well worth a visit.....and hopefully I'll see you at the concert, there will be a very warm welcome for you, and a lovely evening of music.

Thursday 10 July 2008

Concert/ long walk!!!

A few months ago, I played in a concert in Holywell....the harp shop in London. A few weeks ago I went to a harp concert in the same shop. I went with my friend.....but seeing as my directions are so terrible, we ended up walking all the way from London Bridge station to Waterloo station, we were walking for over an hour! Good job I like walking!!lol However....I don't think my friend was too impressed!!!! Eventually got there in the end, and enjoyed the concert. Hopefully the next time I play there....which will be in April, I will be able to find it! It is very hard to find though, to be fair!

Tuesday 8 April 2008

For my pupils

For my pupils:
Its never too early to start!
This is Giles and myself

Wednesday 2 April 2008

My computer skills have improved! lol, no only joking Tim put it on!

Anyways........this is Pooch!

Tuesday 1 April 2008

I'm home at last! Had a busy term, which finished with a concert in Southwalk for many children, hopefully prospective pupils!
I have been trying to add on the blog a really cute picture of my Gran's dog Pooch, short for Puccini, of course, very musical family! but..... unfortunately it didn't work, I'm not very computer literate i'm afraid. I'll try and get it on here soon though!
Happy holidays!!!

Monday 24 March 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Easter has come early this year! Most of us are still working, which feels slightly strange! Easter Sunday was spent in the service at the Royal Naval Chapel, followed by a lovely meal with family and friends.
Hope you all had a lovely Easter too!
Today i had my picture taken with Leonardo Di Caprio, Simon Cawell and Jennifer Lopez! Unfortunately they were only waxed dummies, but they looked pretty realistic!

Friday 29 February 2008


Absolutely, please please visit again and tell your friends as well ;)

If you have broadband, be sure to watch the fantastic and beautiful videos of Giles & Verity playing (click the ‘Recordings’ menu button). Some of these videos are also on Youtube.

Keep up the inspiration guys!

Saturday 23 February 2008

Thankyou for visiting my website, and many thanks to Tim Reed for designing and creating it! Please feel free to send me some comments, and to visit it again.

My recital at Southwark Cathedral was very well attended, so thankyou to all who came!